Our R&D set up is not only operational but is also fructuous, focussing entirely on the introduction of branded generic drugs for International as well as Domestic markets.
Our knowledge in pharmaceutical research allows a rapid ramp-up of diverse range of products

Our team believes in continuous advancement via innovation and is also focused on:

  • New product development using newer formulations as well as new molecules and drugs
  • Updating and improving the processes and systems for already existing products
  • Introducing and incorporating new technologies to enhance the efficacy, bioavailability and potency of the new products and existing products.
  • Qualified and experienced development scientists are backed up by equally qualified Analytical Team.

1. Adequately equipped development lab

  • RMG
  • FBD
  • Compression Machine
  • Bin Blender
  • Coating
  • Capsule filling
  • Multi mill
  • Sifter

2. Adequate analytical support

3. Qualified & Experienced development scientists